February 14, 2019
Did you know in Australia there are some amazing grants available for kids to receive funding for wigs?
At The Beautiful Hair Boutique we work closely with The Australia Alopecia Foundation and Variety The Children's Charity who both very generously offer grants for our human hair wigs.
The cost of good human hair wigs can be out of reach for some families so we have teamed up with these two incredible charities to help you have access to some funding.
Variety The Children's Charity Wig Grants
Variety – The Children’s Charity provides wigs to kids who have lost their hair due to Alopecia or another medical condition such as cancer. Variety understand that for a child, losing their hair can have profound psychological effects, especially during childhood and teen adolescent years.
Variety will fund up to $6,000 for a real human hair wig, to approved applicants every 2 years. Applicants must be 18 years and under to be eligible for this incredible grant. Applications are open all year round. You will need to contact your local state Variety office to apply.
To apply for the Variety grants and for application guidelines visit:
Australia Alopecia Arearta Foundation - Wigs for Kids Grant
The Australian Alopecia Areata Foundation has wig grants available for children with any form of Alopecia Areata. The AAAF Wigs for Kids program is a once-off $400 grant awarded to a child with any form of Alopecia Areata aged 18 and under. The program provides initial funding towards the cost of the wig or wig products.
"AAAF believes that whether to wear a wig or not is a personal choice. As government assistance and Medicare / Private Health Care rebates are limited and vary across states, AAAF established the Wig for Kids Program to ensure that children wanting to wear a wig get the information, service and support needed".
For more information on how to apply for the AAAF $400 wig grant visit:
At The Beautiful Hair Boutique we are here to help! We will happily help guide you through the application process for both the Variety wig grant and AAAF wigs for kids one off grant. Keep in mind the application funding can take a little time to come through, so if you did need something quickly, we would advise reaching out as soon as your child is ready to make the journey into wigs.
For help applying for these grants email us
Sarah & The team at The BHB xx